Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome Back to School!

Students, parents, guardian and friends, welcome back to school and welcome to my BLOG. 

Periodically I will be posting to this blog and it will hopefully be enjoyable for you to read and offer some information that you did not know. 

All of my blog posts can be used for extra credit.  Simply read the blog, write down what you thought about it, did you try it, was it helpful or useful, and why.  Then bring it to school and turn it in.

Be sure to put the proper heading on your paper and be neat please.

The 2015-2016 school year should be a great one.  I am really excited this year to have the entire 8th grade!  It will really benefit the students to be with the same teacher all year because if they have a schedule change their PE teacher will remain the same and the classes will all be at the same point.

The 8th grade team (all 8th grade teachers) are fantastic and we will be working together to give you/your child the best year that we can.

Looking forward, try to start out doing all your work so you do not fall behind and spend your night time hours catching up.  It is imperative that if you ever have a question to talk to your teachers so they can help you.  We are here for you.

See you in class, Mr. Finestone