If you have been checking edline and are concerned about your child's progress on their "run days" a good motivator is to drop into class and observe or participate.
As 8th graders the students need to get prepared for their physical fitness tests in 9th grade. Next year is too late and they need to start now. All high school students are required to pass 5 of the 6 physical fitness tests given to them as a graduation requirement.
In 9th grade if they do not pass their tests they will be assigned to a Physical Education class in 10th grade and retested. If they do not pass they are assigned to a Physical Education class in 11th grade and retested. Once again if they don't pass 5 of the 6 tests they will be in Physical Education as a senior. If they don't pass the tests again as a senior they will not be eligible for graduation.
It is imperative that they start working hard now to be able to pass. The hardest test for many kids is the mile run. The requirement to pass is based on the students BMI (body mass index), gender, and age. The chart that shows the requirement can be found at http://www.cooperinstitute.org/lookup-tables. The higher the students BMI the less time they get to run the mile. A good rule of thumb is that by the end of 8th grade they need to be able to run a mile in less than 12 minutes for the girls and less than 11 minutes 30 seconds for the boys.
If they currently are able to make these benchmarks they need to maintain their cardiovascular fitness and try to improve. If they are unable to make these benchmarks it is mandatory that they work hard every week and push themselves to improve. This will take more than just running but the mental toughness to push themselves past the point where they are not comfortable and want to give into walking.
Back to motivation. Many times the students do not give their all. If you show up to watch them, better yet jog with them, I strongly believe they will improve their performance simply by making the effort not to disappoint you.
If you wish to come observe or participate please contact me on Monday of the week you want to come down. I will then be able to tell you the day we are running. The school requires 48 hour notice for a classroom visitation so you can then contact the office and let them know you would like to come to my class.
Trust me, it is worth it if you can to come see them in action if you can.
In the meantime please keep them moving outside of school. Make sure they do the work on their Fitness Chart. Please reward then for their hard work if you see their scores improving on Edline.
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