Friday, September 11, 2015

Exercse while Restricted from Injury

Before I begin this entry let me make it very clear that if you are ever injured consult your doctor and follow their advise as they are experts in healing.  In my entry I will talk about what I am doing for my injury and I am following doctors orders.

All of us at one time or another will unfortunately get hurt or injured while doing physical activity.  While most of these instances will be merely feeling a little sore or getting a bruise some are more dramatic and debilitating.  What can you do to still remain active and try not to have atrophy?  Atrophy is the loss of strength and muscle tissue due to lack of use.  Using myself as an example lets take a look.

As you know I am out for 3 weeks due to having surgery on my right heel which include the repair of my achilles tendon.  This was a very involved procedure that has put me in a cast restricting movement of my left foot and ankle.  It is also requiring me to be "non-weight bearing" for several weeks.  This means I can not stand on my foot/leg at all.  I am on crutches and using a knee scooter to get around.  My quandary is how to stay somewhat active and to stay strong.

First thing I have to do is listen to my doctor.  This is by far the most important thing anyone should do who has an injury.  If you do not listen to your doctor you could put your self at risk of re-injuring yourself and perhaps causing permanent damage.  You must allow your body to heal (no pun intended).   In my case the doctor told me to stay off it completely and rest.  He did tell me to make sure that I move my leg to keep the blood flowing and keep some strength.

In March of last year I had surgery on my right knee and developed a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and a PE (pulmonary embolism) which are blood clots.  Untreated they can be life threatening.  I did receive medical attention for these and have recovered but to avoid this kind of situation I needed to adhere to the following rules.  I have to keep my leg elevated for the first week above my heart as much as possible.  I have been doing that which is difficult because of the limitations of what you can do.  Secondly I had to move to keep the blood moving so what do I do?

My exercise regime consists of the following ever hour.  Wiggling my toes.  I do this as much as possible.  It allows for the muscles to work even though I can walk and keeps the blood flowing to and from my toes at an increased rate.  Leg lifts with the knee straight.  I lift my leg to a 45 degree angel 15-20 times to give the muscles a work out and get the blood flowing.  Lastly, I do knee bends.  I bring my knee towards my chest while bending the knee 15-20 times to again work the muscles and get the blood flowing.

Remember, just because you have an injury doesn't mean your down for the count.  Consult with your doctor and physical therapist to devise a plan to get you up and moving again.

I have a long way to go to a full recovery but I have to try to keep my leg in shape while I cant walk on it.  I look forward to returning to school and continuing my rehab in our fitness center. 

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