Friday, February 27, 2015

Make Your Time In Front Of The TV More Productive

At some point in time all of us are going to take a break and sit down to watch our favorite TV show, sporting event, soap opera, evening news, or movie.  Many of us have chosen to DVR or Tivo programs so we can skip the commercials.  I say leave the commercials in.  The commercial breaks should be your most productive time.

Most hour long programs have about 20 minutes of commercials.  That is 20 minutes of working out you can add to your day!

During the 1-2 minutes that you are bombarded with commercials you can be physically productive.  Here are a few activities you can do to get the heart pumping, blood flowing, and to reduce the chance of becoming a couch potato.

  • Do some jumping jacks.  This is a very good activity that gets all of your extremities moving.
  • If you have a stair case walk up and down it a couple times.  Even a small amount is good for getting the blood flowing and burning a few calories.
  • Stretching.  Stand up or sit on the floor and stretch your legs, back, and arms.  It is always a good time to increase your flexibility.  This will help reduce the chance of injury while moving, whether you are exercising or not).
  • Do some push ups or crunches.
  • Race to the kitchen and grab a ice cold glass of water.  Ice water can help burn calories. (click on the link to my prior blog post). 
Give it a try.  This is a quick and easy life style change that can have long term benefits.

Dieting? When to weigh in.

When you diet to lose weight you always want to see progress on the scale.  It will show up there before in the mirror.  When is the best time to check your weight?

The wrong answer is everyday.  Your body weight fluctuates daily based on many factors.

You should check your weight at the most once a week.  I suggest every two weeks.  This will give your body the time it needs to adjust to the changes you are making to it.

Also it is very important to check your weight at the same time under the same conditions.  This allows for consistency.  My favorite time is when I first get up in the morning.  That way I have had no food or water to add weight to me.

Consistency is key.  Do not check everyday as you do not want those daily fluctuations to get you down.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Great Fiber Rich and Low Fat Recipe

This is a repost from February.  Please read the original post from February 25th for the Time magazine article.

I had this Chilli for dinner this evening and it was great so I wanted to share the recipe again for all my new students.

Fix some up and enjoy.  Let me know if you liked it or anything you would change or add.

Piggy backing on the article from Time magazine I shared about fiber being a kick start for weight loss.  I wanted to share this recipe that we have been using at my house for quite some time. 

Remember you still need to eat in moderation even though you may very well want to have more after tasting it.

A serving is about 1 cup.  Add a nice salad with light dressing, a piece of gluten free bread, and some cantaloupe or watermelon and you have a really nice, balanced meal!

This recipe is a great source of fiber and protein while being low in fat. 

Turkey and Bean Chili


15 ounce can of Black Beans
15 ounce can of Pinto Beans
15 ounce can of White Beans
15 ounce can of Kidney Beans
15 ounce can Diced Tomatoes
11 ounce can of Whole Kernel Corn
1 medium Onion diced
1 pound ground Turkey, or Chicken, or Beef (slightly higher fat content)
1 package Lawry's Taco Seasoning (hot or mild, your choice)
1 package Hidden Valley Ranch Mix
2 tablespoons Olive Oil

1) Heat Olive Oil in 4-6 quart saucepan over medium heat.
2) Heat diced onion, stirring occasionally until browned.  (8-9 minutes)
3) Add ground turkey and mix to break up turkey until cooked through (4-5 minutes)
4) Add all canned ingredients, DO NOT DRAIN LIQUID.
5) Mix well and add Taco Seasoning and Ranch mix.
6) Bring to a boil and reduced heat to medium and simmer until liquid thickens.  Stir occasionally.  (about 20 minutes)
7) Serve and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fiber: The One Food That Can Spike Weight Loss

Thank you to Mrs. Arndt who mentioned this topic to me.  I did a little research and this article from Time Magazine presents an interesting study from the University of Massachusetts Medical school.

It is always best to do what works for you.  Don't be closed minded and rule something out without looking into it first.

Keep in mind that whenever you decide to get into or change an exercise regime or attempt weight loss or a specific diet consult your Doctor as they are your best resource for what is best for you.

Here is the link:

Monday, February 23, 2015

Come Visit The SNaX "Hydration Station" Tuesday's and Thursday's

If you read my earlier post about drinking ice cold water here is a great opportunity.

Every Tuesday and Thursday Mrs. Raia and her SNaX students are serving up ice cold water at nutrition outside the Girl's PE Office.

Bring your PHMS Water Bottle or your own water bottle and fill up on some refreshing "High quality H2O" (The Waterboy, Adam Sandler).

This is a good chance to get out of your classroom, mingle with your students, and burn some extra calories.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

PHMS Biggest Losers and All faculty members

When the idea of the Biggest Loser came up I got very excited about it.  I had put on a few extra pounds and thought what a great motivational tool to get me living a healthier lifestyle.  I know that seems odd coming from a PE teacher but keep in mind I was finally recovered from a knee injury (which kept me from moving), took a month long trip to Europe (cruising and staying with family), I love food, and sadly was looking at heel surgery.  In the last year and a half put 25 pounds on me.
So I made a plan, set a goal, and was all ready to embark on a journey to shed some pounds with my colleagues....then January 12th came.  First day back at school and I tore my right knee meniscus.  Knee surgery was coming.  Now there was no way to compete for the title.
Being a glass half full guy I decided it wouldn't derail me.  Knowing I could not do the physical exercise portion of my plan I stuck with my food intake plan.  As of today I have lost 16 pounds from my all time high of 260 in December.  This actually hasn't been to difficult and I have no cravings.
So colleagues, after talking with a couple of you I decided to start writing down some of the things I have learned over the years in hope that it helps some of you reach your goals for a healthier lifestyle.
Please feel free to check back as I will post things as I think of them.
Feel free to share this link with your friends and family, if you wish.
If you want to be on an update list please email me at
Good luck, Mr. Finestone

Friday, February 20, 2015

Does drinking ice water burn calories?

 I originally found an article about this subject in the LA Times in the late '90's while teaching at Sun Valley Middle School.  It still holds water.  (Thank you to for the information)

For anyone trying to lose weight, this question is an exciting one! If you simply want to know if your body burns calories warming up the water, the answer is yes. But if you want to know if drinking a lot of ice water can help you lose weight, or keep weight off, this "yes" needs to be qualified with some calculations.
First of all, calories are case-sensitive. There are calories and then there are Calories. Calories with a big "c" are the ones used to describe the amount of energy contained in foods. A calorie with a little "c" is defined as the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
What most people think of as a Calorie is actually a kilo-calorie: It takes one Calorie to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius. So when you drink a 140-Calorie can of cola, you are ingesting 140,000 calories. There is no cause for alarm, because the conversion applies across the board. When you burn 100 Calories jogging a mile, you are burning 100,000 calories.
So, considering that the definition of a calorie is based on raising the temperature of water, it is safe to say that your body burns calories when it has to raise the temperature of ice water to your body temperature. And unless your urine is coming out ice cold, your body must be raising the temperature of the water. So calories are being burned.
Let's figure out exactly what you're burning when you drink a 16-ounce (0.5 liter) glass of ice water:
  • The temperature of ice water can be estimated at zero degrees Celsius.
  • Body temperature can be estimated at 37 degrees Celsius.
  • It takes 1 calorie to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
  • There are 473.18 grams in 16 fluid ounces of water.
So in the case of a 16-ounce glass of ice water, your body must raise the temperature of 473.18 grams of water from zero to 37 degrees C. In doing so, your body burns 17,508 calories. But that's calories with a little "c." Your body only burns 17.5 Calories, and in the grand scheme of a 2,000-Calorie diet, that 17.5 isn't very significant.
But let's say you adhere to the "eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day" nutritional recommendation. In 64 ounces of water, there are 1,892.72 grams. So to warm up all that water in the course of a day, your body burns 70,030 calories, or 70 Calories. And over time, that 70 Calories a day adds up. So, while you definitely shouldn't depend on ice water consumption to replace exercise or a healthy diet, drinking cold water instead of warm water does, in fact, burn some extra Calories!

Please come visit the "HYDRATION STATION" with Mrs. Raia to get your ice cold water!

Welcome to my blog!

During my 17 years as a Physical Education teacher the world has seen many changes.  Most notably is the technology revolution that has moved humans into a split second, live feed, tweeted, information age.  Trying to corral this warp speed mentality and using to benefit our students is a job that many find a little daunting.  As a Physical Education teacher who is committed to getting kids moving in an age of embracing social media and gaming it can be difficult.

With that in mind I have taken a leap of faith to try to provide pertinent information in a medium where students, parent, and colleagues can easily access it anywhere with the hope that it does some educating in the process.

So stand up, get moving, and read this on your favorite device.

I don't know where this journey will go but it will be a learning experience for me and hopefully you.

Mr. Finestone, Physical Education Teacher