Friday, February 27, 2015

Dieting? When to weigh in.

When you diet to lose weight you always want to see progress on the scale.  It will show up there before in the mirror.  When is the best time to check your weight?

The wrong answer is everyday.  Your body weight fluctuates daily based on many factors.

You should check your weight at the most once a week.  I suggest every two weeks.  This will give your body the time it needs to adjust to the changes you are making to it.

Also it is very important to check your weight at the same time under the same conditions.  This allows for consistency.  My favorite time is when I first get up in the morning.  That way I have had no food or water to add weight to me.

Consistency is key.  Do not check everyday as you do not want those daily fluctuations to get you down.

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