Friday, February 20, 2015

Welcome to my blog!

During my 17 years as a Physical Education teacher the world has seen many changes.  Most notably is the technology revolution that has moved humans into a split second, live feed, tweeted, information age.  Trying to corral this warp speed mentality and using to benefit our students is a job that many find a little daunting.  As a Physical Education teacher who is committed to getting kids moving in an age of embracing social media and gaming it can be difficult.

With that in mind I have taken a leap of faith to try to provide pertinent information in a medium where students, parent, and colleagues can easily access it anywhere with the hope that it does some educating in the process.

So stand up, get moving, and read this on your favorite device.

I don't know where this journey will go but it will be a learning experience for me and hopefully you.

Mr. Finestone, Physical Education Teacher

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