Friday, February 27, 2015

Make Your Time In Front Of The TV More Productive

At some point in time all of us are going to take a break and sit down to watch our favorite TV show, sporting event, soap opera, evening news, or movie.  Many of us have chosen to DVR or Tivo programs so we can skip the commercials.  I say leave the commercials in.  The commercial breaks should be your most productive time.

Most hour long programs have about 20 minutes of commercials.  That is 20 minutes of working out you can add to your day!

During the 1-2 minutes that you are bombarded with commercials you can be physically productive.  Here are a few activities you can do to get the heart pumping, blood flowing, and to reduce the chance of becoming a couch potato.

  • Do some jumping jacks.  This is a very good activity that gets all of your extremities moving.
  • If you have a stair case walk up and down it a couple times.  Even a small amount is good for getting the blood flowing and burning a few calories.
  • Stretching.  Stand up or sit on the floor and stretch your legs, back, and arms.  It is always a good time to increase your flexibility.  This will help reduce the chance of injury while moving, whether you are exercising or not).
  • Do some push ups or crunches.
  • Race to the kitchen and grab a ice cold glass of water.  Ice water can help burn calories. (click on the link to my prior blog post). 
Give it a try.  This is a quick and easy life style change that can have long term benefits.

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